Lacor Center, Patuda, Layibi Gulu

Your Conservation Agriculture and Draught Animal Power Experts
We can make a difference in animal powered farming

What We Do
We teach farmers to farm better. Traditional farming practices of burning off vegetation, using a wither yoke for oxen and turning the soil with a plough can cause harm to the soil, environment and animals. Oxen Clinic Uganda is introducing the innovative practices of conservation agriculture, efficient, locally produced farming tools and an improved neck yoke. The neck yoke improves the efficiency of the oxen by increasing their pulling power, reducing strain, increasing stamina, and reducing bruising and neck sores. Conservation agriculture uses a tool called a ripper to open a single line in the soil for planting and fertilizing. This preserves ground cover which improves soil structure, breaks up hard pan produced by ploughs, which increases water absorption and helps crops grow during low rainfall. By providing smallholder farmers with the ability to use these innovations, Oxen Clinic Uganda enables them to increase the productivity of their land, become more resilient to climate change, increase harvests and increase family incomes.

We provide consulting to farmers, cooperatives, NGOs and government agencies ​

Equipment Design
We develop and design field equipment that works in local soil conditions

Equipment Sales
We sell locally produced and imported field equipment and other items

Metal Fabrication
Our expert fabricators can build doors and windows for new construction or other custon items

Oxen Clinic Uganda is a group of trainers who have worked together for over 10 years to increase the earning power and resilience of smallholder farmers in Africa.
We have provided training to farmers and trainers in partnership with NGOs, Government Agencies and Religious Organizations and Cooperatives in Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Okumu Boniface, Managing Director. Mr. Okumu has been working in Draught Animal Power for over 10 years. He holds diplomas in Project Planning and Management and in Public Administration as well as having vocational training in mechanics and metal fabrication. He has conducted training presentations both locally and regionally within east Africa. In addition to providing training to smallholder farmers, Mr. Okumu is experienced in the design of minimum tillage ox drawn rippers, seeders, cultivators and other field implements.

Susan Oceng is a farmer and Catechist. She has been a trainer with Mr. Okumu since 2008. Ms. Oceng lives in Lukung in Lamwo District.

Robert Obali Has many years of experience working as a Community Based Trainer, a Farmer Field School teacher and as a farmer. He is excellent at training oxen. Mr. Obali lives in the village of Agonga in Nwoya District.

Patrick Ebin is one of the lead trainers , having worked with Mr. Okumu for the last 10 years. Mr. Ebin lives in Bole ward in Lira

Godfrey Oyuku works as a lead trainer for Oxen Clinic Uganda. He is an agronomist and lives in Wii Rao, Oyam District

Breaking up soil clumps with a harrow and cage roller

Ox cart

Oxen Clinic Uganda recently purchased 7 acres of land to build a training center near Gulu. Having this property will allow us to have demonstration plots, train ox teams for sale, offer more extensive classes and host agricultural fairs. Money is still needed to develop the property. We need to put up fencing, animal shelters, classrooms, restrooms, a workshop and shelter for a security guard. Click below to find out more